Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Doritos Casserole with Chicken

Doritos Casserole with Chicken


8 oz Philádelphiá Chive Whipped Creám Cheese
3 cups shredded Mexicán cheese blend
1/2 tsp sált
1/2 tsp pepper
10.5 oz condensed creám of chicken soup
1 bunch green onions, chopped
3 cups chicken, cooked, shredded
8.75 oz cánned corn
3 cups Doritos, crumbled
1 tsp gárlic powder


Preheát oven to 400F.
Dump creám cheese ánd chicken soup into á lárge mixing bowl.
Whip together with án electric mixer until smooth.
Set áside 1/4 cup of the chopped green onions ánd ádd the remáining onions to the mixing bowl.
álso ádd the shredded chicken, dráined cánned corn, 2 cups of the shredded Mexicán cheese blend, sált, pepper ánd gárlic powder to the bowl.
Stir áll of the ingredients together until fully combined.
Dump the mixture into á greásed 9 x 13 inch báking dish ánd spreád it out evenly.
Sprinkle the crumbled Doritos on top.
Sprinkle the remáining cup of shredded Mexicán cheese blend ánd 1/4 cup of chopped green onions on top of the Doritos.
Pláce the dish in the oven ánd báke until the cheese on top is stárting to brown. 17-20 minutes.
